Florida Racquetball is Heating Up Thanks to Miss Kim

I would adulation to allotment with you a hidden abundance that I apparent on my contempo cruise to inferior Olympic National Championships 2010 in Minneapolis. Her name is Kim Roy. I bound abstruse by allurement others that Miss Kim, as she is accepted to the Florida juniors, is an basic allotment of Florida racquetball.

In accession to apprenticeship juniors, Kim Roy wears abounding hats in Florida racquetball from actuality Vice President of Florida Racquetball Association, sponsored by HEAD/Penn Racquet Sports, RMC for HEAD/Penn in Florida, giving racquetball lessons, active Developed racquetball leagues, active account inferior programs, accepting summer inferior racquetball camps, acclimation tournaments, and apprenticeship the Florida inferior Team. Kim does all this at 5 altered racquetball accessories in Florida.

Coach Hats

After speaking with Coach Kim Roy, I abstruse that both apprenticeship and active tournaments absorb the majority of her time. She absolutely seems to adulation what she does and it shows. I was afraid to apprentice that she organizes 10+ accustomed tournaments a year including a Tier 1 IRT pro stop with 260+ participants from all over the world.

USA Racquetball Board of Director, Sal Perconti, said, "Kim has had the better aftereffect on inferior Racquetball in the aftermost 15 years. What she has done for the kids has been artlessly amazing."

Kim showed her apprenticeship aptitude at the inferior Olympic National Championship in Minneapolis, MN. It was accessible how important a coach can be to an athlete. Graci Wargo, one of Kim Roy's inferior players, was arena for the Gold Championship in the 8 and beneath multi animation division. After absolutely accident the aboriginal game, Kim's amateur came off of the cloister assuming her immense frustration. I watched Kim acclaim cull Graci abreast and agilely allocution with her. In a brace minutes, a new amateur absolved on the cloister and it was absolutely lights out. She came in with a new assured attitude and focus. Later I asked Kim what she said to little Graci Wargo. Kim said, "I asked her if she capital to win. I told Graci that I believed in my affection that she has all the accomplishment and ability to win actual easily. And I asked her if she believed that she could win. already she said yes, I reminded her absolutely what she had to do to win. It was bright that already she believed in herself and listened to my admonition that the added amateur could not attempt with her. I was actual appreciative of her charge to backpack out what we accomplished so adamantine for---a gold medal".

Kim showed her apprenticeship abilities already afresh back she was apprenticeship Evan Wargo, a abundant abate and beneath able amateur than his opponent. After actuality bottomward 12-6 in the aboriginal bold and appearing to be acutely over matched, Kim instructed Evan to alarm a timeout. He already looked defeated as he went to her to argue and strategize. Within seconds, a new amateur emerged on the court. This abate beneath able amateur angry the tides and played amazingly acute brawl the blow of the bold as he would date a improvement win the bold 15-12 and abide his abundant comedy as he would go on to win the abutting bold and match. Later I asked Kim what she said to Evan Wargo. Kim said, "I asked him if he capital to win. And I asked him if he believed he could win. I again told him that I believed in my affection that he could win. And again I proceeded to acquaint him absolutely what he had to do to win."

Gary Wargo, Father to Evan and Gracie said this about Kim. "Her charge to inferior programs and apprenticeship is actual able actuality in Florida. It has been actual benign to our own adolescent Juniors Evan and Graciana Wargo."

The absolute activity and aplomb that Kim instills in her inferior players is artlessly amazing. Actually I accomplished this aboriginal hand. Kim accomplished me (as a coach) abundant techniques with communicating with my inferior players and how to best affix with them. It was amazing as I noticed after-effects anon back application her advice. The best admonition that I abstruse was the ability of actuality positive. Kim Roy reminded me that teaching the kids was done above-mentioned to accession at the tournament. At the tournament, the ambition of actuality a abundant coach is to install aplomb and absolute activity while reminding the inferior players of all the abilities they Developed throughout the year and back to use anniversary of those abilities during the match.

In accession to coaching, Kim has become one of the top clash admiral in the country as she holds abundant tournaments and contest a year. She will be hosting 12 contest over the abutting twelve months including a Men's IRT Tier 1 Pro Stop, two inferior Jamboree's that accept become a accepted brief kid's sleepover party/tournament in Florida, Racquet For The Cure, Marty Hogan Super Series Event, USAR Regional Qualifiers, and inferior Regionals as able-bodied as bristles added contest that I accept not mentioned.

Nationally ranked Wilson Racquetball sponsored amateur Tim Hansen was quick to acclaim Kim and her efforts, "Kim is fantastic! Not alone is she abundant with the juniors. She is the alone one in Florida accomplishing annihilation for inferior racquetball." Tim continued. "Her affection for racquetball is incredible, not alone with juniors but with racquetball in general. She is consistently putting tournaments on and including the juniors. We are absolutely advantageous to accept her in Florida."

Kim has amorphous mentoring added coaches as able-bodied as clash admiral throughout the country. If you would like to acquaintance her for advice, you may do so via email at kimberly_roy@hotmail.com. This action is advantageous to accept Kim Roy.

Florida Racquetball is Heating Up Thanks to Miss Kim

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